1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 | Get rid of mould for good! Using the right technology, and the right knowledge, we can eliminate your mould problems, we cover Chichester, Bognor Regis, Emsworth, Portsmouth & surrounding. Causes of damp and mould Do you have a mould problem in your Chichester or Bognor home? damp and mould are caused by excess moisture, Moisture in buildings can be caused by leaking pipes, rising damp in basements or ground floors, or rain seeping in because of damage to the roof or around window frames, drying washing in homes, no ventilation in bathrooms / other rooms, this is what causes and gives the chance for mould spores to grow. In a newly built home damp can occur if the water used when the house was built is still drying out. Condensation causing mould problems Excess moisture indoors can also be caused by condensation. Condensation forms when the air indoors can't hold any more moisture. Cooking, showering, drying clothes indoors and breathing without adequate ventilation can all cause excess moisture. Droplets can form on indoor surfaces such as mirrors, windowsills and on walls, particularly when they're cold. You can help by drying washing outside, opening windows, allowing air to circulate, but this will not eliminate the problem. How we eliminate your mould problem We use state of the art technology and ventilation systems to install in your Chichester or Bognor home to cure your mould problem, by installing the single room KHR-150 or the whole house Remcon system, this will not just keep your problem at bay, this will eliminate your condensation problem and stop the mould spores from growing, leaving fresh air in your home / single room where the problem existed. https://www.topjointsdrylining.co.uk/ |
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