1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 | SHIP QUESTIONS 1. How does your character figure out how they feel at the beginning of a relationship? Do they instantly know when they like someone or does it take time for them to realize? Do they have a friend they talk things through with or signs they look for, or do they just dive in without examination? Cosmo quizzes? 2. If they like someone who's already in a relationship, do they get over it, try to get over it, or believe everyone is fair game until they're married (or maybe even afterwards)? 3. How long would it take your character to introduce someone they were dating to their family or very close friends (or to announce the relationship if no introductions are needed)? How long would it take for them to think it was weird that their partner hadn’t introduced them to their own family or friends? 4. How would your character handle it if their family or friends disapproved of someone they were interested in? Would they be more inclined to listen to their concerns or to get angry about the lack of support? 5. What biographical facts, thoughts, living habits, etc., would your character want to wait the longest to reveal to someone they were involved with? Or are they completely unabashed open books from the start? 6. If your character were going to get married, what would their wedding be like? Would they ever agree to a theme wedding? A destination wedding? 7. What is your character's ideal couples' vacation? (Lying on a beach, exploring new places together, the motel down the road will do, etc.) 8. Without taking it to an exhibitionst/voyeur level (unless that's their thing, of course) how much is your character into looking at their partner vs. being looked at themselves? 9. Would your character describe their relationships as the most real part of their life, or as an escape from their real life? 10. Your character is working and their significant other attempts to distract them with sex. Are they more often annoyed or into it? What's the most effective method of enticement? 11. Are there any aspects of your character's life that they're particularly eager to share with a partner? 12. How much does your character touch their partner during day to day activities—working in the kitchen, sharing a sofa while working independently, etc.? 13. Does your character have a model in their head of what an ideal relationship looks like? Is it attainable? What's it based on? 14. How well would they handle a significant other believing in something they find ridiculous, like a religion, ghosts, dubious medical treatments, etc? 15. How would your character handle moving in with someone? Would they prefer bringing someone into their home or moving into the other person's? How much control would they need over their environment? 16. Would your character give up their other passion(s) for someone they really loved, if they couldn’t do both, or give up someone they really loved for their passion(s)? 17. How much would they compromise on their sexual preferences (frequency, kinks, etc.) for someone who was otherwise their perfect match? How much would the compromise on their non-sexual preferences for someone who was perfectly compatible sexually? 18. How would your character feel about keeping a relationship secret? How would they handle that if it were necessary for some reason? 19. How does your character balance their work with their relationships? Which takes priority? Does one ever bleed over and impact the other in some way? 20. If your character is currently in a relationship, what's one thing they need more of from their partner? Do they ask for it? (Or if they aren’t in a relationship, what’s something they might need more of than a hypothetical partner would anticipate?) 21. How easily do they or would they get jealous? Do they get jealous if their partner has close platonic friendships that exclude them somewhat, or only if there’s a flirtatious element as well? What would it take to reassure them? 22. If in a relationship that needs to end (or that they think needs to end), how long does it take them to decide it can't be salvaged? How long does it take them to do something about it? 23. How would they respond if they suspected they were being cheated on? If it were confirmed? How would they handle it if a partner accused them of cheating (rightly or wrongly)? 24. How do they interact with exes? Are they able to stay on good terms, or do they try to avoid them at all costs? 25. Would they be susceptible to falling into on-again off-again relationship patterns, or would one or two break-ups be it, no more chances? |
Direct link: https://paste.plurk.com/show/gJPq8egt1fcWQ5GjJZpB