The significance of the Hijrah is understood from the sheer preparation and planning involved in meeting the tribal leaders of al-Aus and Khazraj, culturing them with Islam, creating a public opinion for Islam and the Prophet’s (saw) leadership and the clear programme that followed once Yahthrib became Medina tul-rasool indicated that the Hijra was a radical transformation of society. In Makkah the Muslims were weak and could only enjoin the good and forbid the evil through their speech, now they were able to do so through a practical implementation of Islam in Medina. The Hijrah was truly an epoch making moment because it culminated in the manifestation of the truth in Medina. Today we remember the start of the month of Muharram, the Hijri calendar and the New Year; let us not forget the struggles of our forefathers in making Islam dominant through the auspices of the Khilafah in Medina, the Arabian Peninsula and beyond.
