1 2 3 | Dabi was still reeling from that one. He was dead sure Pigeon Boy was a virgin up until that very moment. Come to think of it, he could still be a virgin. He could just be lying. The guy was a terrible liar- another reason Dabi was so sure he was a spy: he gave the shittiest of shitty reasons to want to join. The top hero disillusioned with hero society? Fat chance. The man had everything. He lived in a penthouse, for the love of god. Dabi lived in…well, whatever building he could. He was paid top dollar. He was loved by the people of Fukuoka. He helped the downtrodden and endangered. He was a good person. In short, Hawks had everything Dabi had grown up wanting. Why would he give that all up to help a ragtag group of villains? |
Direct link: https://paste.plurk.com/show/hUDz89bpoBl5iyiePG3M