The Witch

The scent of new fruit hangs in the air, bright and refreshing. A pestle grinds in its bowl, the sound of stone on stone a soothing repetition. Just as the first plants of spring burst forth from cracks between the paving stones, so too does the Witch push their boundaries in search of new magics. Knowledge exists only to be expanded upon, reshaped and reformed to a new and exciting purpose.

The world is full of old wisdom, but se advice is too outdated for the modern lives we live now. Tradition is a set of guides, not a strict rulebook; if you find that you’re being held back by how you ‘should’ approach a situation, break from tradition and forge your own route. Surround yourself with others who think outside of the box and embrace a new tradition.

[ Reversed ]

It’s tempting to buck convention by dismissing it entirely, but most processes become well established because they actually work. While you’re busy forging your own path, don’t cpletely forget about the paths that have been laid before; you can borrow inspiration without being trapped by the rigidity of institution. Borrow, change, and adapt as needed.