So tired of people thinking they know a persons ethnicity based on their skin color, eye shape, or hair texture. I am "considered" white, I was born in Alaska, my father was 1/4 Hopi, 1/4 English, 1/4 Irish. 1/8 Crow and 1/8 mediterranean, something olive colored (under a florescent light I turn almost glow in the dark green). My mother was 1/4 English, 1/4 Irish, 1/4 other western european, 1/8 Cree and 1/8 African (that's where I get my nappy hair that dreads like a dream). So really what am I? I'm me. I'm not white, not black, not brown, not yellow or red. I'm just a random mix of human dna, like most everyone else. Please stop with all the "you can't do this because it insults my ethnicity", I have as much right as you do to have dreadlocks or wear a feather in my hair. /endrant/