1/18 You either have Christ, your Lord, God and only Savior.. saving creation, as only I can ever do (The Truth - all by which, all must be founded upon, or else nothing will or can ever survive, it is as simple as that).. or you have the likes of poison Ivy.. destroying it..

2/ putting Angel's heads down on vagina's, producing demonic, abomination children, that will go on to destroy the World, as both her and Emmanuel has done.. their only measure of success.. in the literal of.. is obtaining the sum of their desires.. at any cost.. at any price

3/ (the price of which.. is truth = by which, all else dies in the absence of = Angel's with women, and no Angel's left for any of the Angelic men, who die as a result, unable to support as they must.... it doesn't work.. that you people take the bounty of the Angelic men..

4/ whilst others, casually support them spiritually, as their partners must = you have seen such in effect with myself.. you bastards who make all the wrong life & personal choices (bedding down with the wrong sorts or wrong in circumstances against nature).. but want the bounty

5/ of the love in the nurture and the protection of a perfect God - I do not fucking think so, balance must always correct.. if you bed and pleasure a Witch.. you fucking die by one as well.. or you leave them, and go love and protect another Angel, like you are supposed to.. and

6/ give those dirty rampant whores on this plot.. a bloody good slap for what they've done and a dildo to do their evil works for them)..... they are concerned only with looking right.. rather than the importance.. in ever being..... until you get this Hell-whore under control..

7/ whom is trying compete with her perfect God (I cannot believe I am actually saying this, but this is the problem, when they downloaded the knowledge of a God, and then consider themselves akin to, forgetting that it takes a God, to use a God's knowledge.. in a Godly way.. and

8/ otherwise.. you're just another mortal being.. with a few tricks turned on upstairs.. trying to play God's that you will never be.. it is not my knowledge that makes me Cosmos God.. it is everything....... my intent.. my perfect love.. my perfect in everything else... i know

9/ very well.. the most likely scenario in what happened, how, and why)..... meanwhile.. Yoda got a taste for Angel cock.. a taste for abomination, demonic children (hypocrite).. and disrespecting the Cosmos.. giving me the little middle finger.. along with Macron and the

10/ others..... whatever you stupid people.. who have more faith in a demon.. think you are up to.. let me assure you of one thing.. either you live by the full in complete trust and faith by my judgement as perfection alone.. or you live without..... how dare you place more

11/ importance on your own lives.. than you do and did of a perfect God.. apart from the fact.. it is the epitome of stupidity to have done so.. it is against the order of basic logic.. team autism.. and team downsy.. are not going to save anyone.. in truth.. you destroyed

12/ everything by attacking the integrity of Christ (no wonder your planet's burning, raping Christ on a daily basis).. however you managed to circumvent everything.. no doubt.. through the abomination children you have brought into being.. with abilities.. far beyond the

13/ greatest of their intent..... that's the result of stupidity.. forbidding love in your World.. so indeed.. you got everything other than by result... remember carefully.. what I said to you.. that your every in wrongful act.. one day.. comes back.. that is the necessary

14/ balance..... you take (or indeed, deprive, as you are often doing now) another person's true love.. by force.. and unnatural in circumstance.. means.. eventually.. a World exists by the same standard (no love = no love for you = no loving form, ever).. you ruin a man of

15/ honesty, truth and integrity.. means.. your World goes on to represent that in no other.... if you fail to act by truth, integrity and love.. then that is what you shall suffer of yourself..... it is very simple.. I will say it again.. what you give.. or are prepared to give

16/ unto others.. one day.. shall be (able to be) given to you.... this law of balance.. destroy's (and will always do so) the greedy, jealous man... or the man proposed as something other than what he is.. whatever has given unto you.. somewhere.. somehow.. is no other than

17/ perfect brilliance.. something by whom.. i would indeed at very minimum.. entrust my life..... you either trust, with all your heart and soul.... or you suffer the burden of.. the belief.. that you can do.. or are more capable than...... and if that were the case.. you

18/18 wouldn't be in an evil-filled, ruined World.. that rapes.. murders.. and pillages others.. and proposes.. you bring a demonic child into the World.. before preserving your own lives.. and the Angelic form and love of God... the one way... is through Christ.. Cosmos (Christ)