1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 | 這活動好玩耶~~~ { 來跟陌生人交換禮物吧 } 這是一個只屬於女生的秘密交換禮物活動(即日起至12/25) 至少需要 6 位女生~(不過沒有名額限制)不限民族、不限系所、不限國籍、不限年齡、不限地區,什麼都不限!!!!!!! 只需要花費台幣100元以內的金額就可能可以收到6-36份禮物噢 有興趣的人請私訊我,我會解釋交換規則~ ------------------------- Hi Girls! I'm participating in a secret sister gift exchange which is a fun way to spread holiday cheer this year. It doesn't matter where you live, what your age is, what you major in. As long as you are a girl, you are welcome to join! I need 6 (or more!) girls to participate in a secret sister gift exchange.You only have to buy ONE gift valued at NTD100 and send it to one secret sister and you will receive 6-36 gifts in return! Let me know if you are interested and I will send you the information! 要玩的我再私訊規則 禮物不會是寄給我,是寄給不認識的人唷! |
Direct link: https://paste.plurk.com/show/ln7jim4xk1srusnuW2DV