1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 | 1. Is your character…okay? 2. What would be on a wanted poster for your character? 3. How does your character feel about death? 4. What’s your character’s coffee order? 5. What does a day off look like for your character? 6. What lies are told about your character? Do they believe any of them? 7. Does your character have a natural enemy? What about a nemesis? 8. Is your character resilient? Why or why not? 9. Would your character choose immortality? 10. How does your character handle rejection? 11. What’s the first thing you decided about your character? What’s something you still haven’t decided about them? 12. What does your character carry on them at all times? 13. What would your character give up for someone they love? 14. To what degree does your character follow the rules? Do they feel justified? 15. Is your character dangerous? Do they think they are? 16. What is your character’s most vivid memory? 17. How popular is your character? Do their friends (or fans) truly know them? 18. What’s the line between right and wrong for your character? How moral do they consider themself? 19. How does your character usually solve problems? Or are they more likely to cause them? 20. What would make your character cry? 21. Are your character’s hands warm, or cold? Does it bother them? Do they ever make them someone else’s problem? 22. What’s your character’s most embarrassing memory? 23. How far would your character go to get what they want most? 24. What’s the first thing your character does in the morning? What’s the last thing they do before bed? 25. Where is your character from? How do they feel about it? Do they ever go back? 26. What does your character overthink about? 27. How does your character feel about snowy weather? 28. What kind of a villain would your character be? What would it take to for them to become a villain? 29. Who would your character give anything to be reunited with? 30. What kind of lesson does your character need to learn? 31. Does your character have the patience for puzzles? 32. What was your character’s worst choice so far? 33. What does mercy mean to your character? 34. What is holding your character back? Is that a good thing or a bad thing? 35. What kind of magic appeals to your character? 36. What kind of flower would your character pick? 37. If your character couldn’t talk, how would they react? Would they still be able to communicate? 38. What is your character like when they are really tired? 39. How does your character feel about the dishes? 40. What kind of weather does your character prefer? What kind of weather do they hate? 41. What does your character wish they could forget? If they actually could make themself forget, would they take that opportunity? Would it change them? 42. Given a nice camera, what would your character take pictures of? 43. What kind of keychains would your character have? 44. What’s the dumbest way your character has gotten injured? 45. Who raised your character? What’s that relationship like now? 46. Which “deadly sin” is your character most guilty of? 47. Who does your character trust most? Who do they trust the least? Why? 48. What gets your character up in the morning? 49. Does your character believe in love at first sight? How would they handle most cute relationship tropes? 50. Who does your character relate to the most? Who do they have the most trouble understanding? 51. If your character is a dnd character, why or how did they choose their class and subclass? If they aren’t, what would they choose if they were? 52. On a scale of “can fall asleep anywhere” to “sleepless in new places”, how does your character fall? 53. Does your character have a pet? Do they want a pet? 54. How curious is your character? About what sort of things? What doesn’t interest them at all? 55. What really bothers your character about others? How do they show it? Do they talk to the person about it? 56. What kind of characters are good influences on your character? What about bad influences? How does your character influence others? 57. What would your character never, ever do? What would they never do again? Why? 58. What has your character never done that they would like to try? Why haven’t they done it yet? 59. What kind of naming scheme does your character use for pets/kids/other nameable things? Do they care about names? Do they take it seriously, or go silly? 60. “Don’t get me started…” What could your character rant about with no preparation? What do they love to talk about? 61. What is your character like when they’re sick? 62. How does your character feel about “normal”? To what degree do they conform–or not conform–to the idea? 63. How competitive is your character? Can they be a sore loser? How often do they “win”? 64. Does your character do make up, paint their nails, or otherwise decorate themself? Is there a reason why or why not? 65. What’s your character’s relationship with romantic love? Is that something they’re interested in? What sort of person would be their sort of person? 66. Is your character particularly organized? Is there a reason why? 67. How does your character decorate their personal space? 68. Who makes your character feel better when they’re down? 69. What is your character’s idea of comfort food? What about comfort media, or their go-to de-stress situation/company? 70. What role does your character tend to take on in their group? 71. What is your character’s reputation like? What are they known for? How do they feel about it? |
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