1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 | 子句是由一個含主詞與述詞的字群所組成 能表達完整意思的稱為句子 需要附屬連接詞來引導的則稱為附屬子句 分為名詞子句,形容詞子句和副詞子句三種 1)名詞子句:在句子中的地位視為名詞 A)當主詞 e.g. [That Tom became half paralyzed] was told to his family. B)當受詞 e.g. I do not know [what happened.] C)做動詞補語 e.g. The fact is [that he was suspended from school because of his frequent absence.] D)當虛主詞 it 的實受詞 It is important [that we have to concentrate in class.] E)放在介係詞之後 He made a list of [what he planned to buy.] 形容詞子句:在句子中的功能相當於形容詞,由一個關係詞所引導的句子 A)由關係代名詞(who, which, that, whom)所引導的句子 B)由關係形容詞(whose, which)所引導的句子 C)由關係副詞(why, when, where)所引導的句子 副詞子句:在句子中的功能相當於副詞,用來修飾動詞、形容詞或副詞的附屬子句 A) I was late [because I missed the bus.]→用來形容形容詞 late B) He talks [as if he were a wiser.]→用來形容動詞 talk |
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