Mark Zuckerberg - CEO of Facebook released an online statement regarding the spreading porn pics and spams. Released November 16, 2011 9PM Pacific Time Zone. Here's the official statement:

The porn attacks originated in the Philippines and are being published by FILIPINOS all over Facebook, our experts here at Facebook are doing everything they can to stop it from spreading any further (outside the Philippines) and to eliminate the porn and spam threat completely which have been causing other Facebook users "a hard time". Filipinos should be vigilant and report any spam links and pornographic materials. 41% of Facebook members around the world are aged 12-17 years old, we cannot them be exposed to this kinds of things through Facebook. If this continues and more spams keep being posted, WE WILL HAVE NO CHOICE BUT TO BAN PHILIPPINE USERS FROM USING FACEBOOK. We at Facebook will not tolerate outlandish behavior and indecency :'-(