1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 | • Your name and username. • Where you’re from. • Pronounce the following words: Aunt, Roof, Route, Theater, Iron, Salmon, Caramel, Fire, Water, New Orleans, Pecan, Both, Again, Probably, Alabama, Lawyer, Coupon, Mayonnaise, Pajamas, Caught, Naturally, Aluminium, GIF, Tumblr, Crackerjack, Doorknob, Envelope, GPOY. • What is it called when you throw toilet paper on a house? • What is a bubbly carbonated drink called? • What do you call gym shoes? • What do you call your grandparents? • What do you call the wheeled contraption in which you carry groceries at the supermarket? • What is the thing you change the TV channel with? • Choose a book and read a passage from it. • Do you think you have an accent? • Be a wizard or a vampire? • Do you know anyone on Tumblr/Plurk in real life? • End audio post by saying any THREE words you want |
Direct link: https://paste.plurk.com/show/ptXsrXwCXjOhSPHfOYlO