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Dragon-wolfe Dolphinn著,1996年9月。 翻譯:好色龍 :Questions and Answers :QA) What is Zoophilia? :AA) Zoophilia is best described as a love of animals so intimate :that the person (and the animal) involved have no objections to :expressing their affection for each other in the sexual fashion. :This is not to be confused with bestiality, where a person forcefully :mates an animal, without their consent, and with no mutual feelings :whatsoever. This is something that I would never do to a dolphin, :since I love them dearly, and treat them with the same respect that :an honest husband would have for his wife and children. 問題A:[動物戀]是什麼? 答:最好的解釋方式便是,某人及動物的親密程度高到到足以使當事者(人及 動物)自願性的發生性行為及性接觸。請勿把[動物戀]及[戀獸癖]混淆,因後 者對動物的性行為是強迫性的,單方面的且無視動物自身意願的。我絕不會對 海豚做出類似的事情,因為我真心愛著他們並善待他們,有如一位好丈夫照顧 自己的妻子與孩子一般。 :QB) Why Dolphins? :AB) Dolphins are very intelligent, highly emotional and expressive :creatures. They enjoy the company of humans, and if a relationship :develops between a human and a dolphin, as has happened with me, :they will, on occasion, wish to express their trust and affection :for you in the most direct way; through mating, or sex-play. You see, :dolphins do not use sex purely for procreative reasons. They use it :as a way of strengthening the bonds between pod mates (mothers and :calves included), and also for fun. Dolphins and humans share this :common trait with very few other animals, so sometimes it makes me :wonder when people continueto ask me "How DO you mate with a dolphin?". :Easy. Let the dolphin tell you! 問題B:為什麼是海豚? 答:海豚是聰明、感情豐富且善於表達的動物。他們喜歡人類的陪伴,而若是一 人一海豚之間的情感建立起來之後-例如我的案例-他們會不時的想用最直接的 方式表達他們對你的信任及你對他們的重要性;也就是透過交配,或是性挑逗。 對海豚來說,性不光是為了繁衍下一代,也是一種強化團體認同的手段(甚至是親 子關係),甚至是單純的為了享受。海豚,人與非常少數的動物(譯註:如侏儒黑 猩猩)都有類似的性觀念,因此當人們一再的問我是如何與海豚性交時,我忍不住 想回答:讓海豚來教你吧!^.< :Q1) How do I tell a male dolphin from a female one? :A1) Probably the most common question I get asked. There are 2 ways of :determining the sex of a dolphin. The most obvious :way is to take a peek :under the peduncle (the long part of the body connected to the tail flukes). :On the dolphin's belly, directly opposite the dorsal fin, will be the :umbilicus, or the navel of the dolphin. Looking further down towards the :tail, you start to see the differences. 問題1:我要怎麼分辨海豚的性別? 答:大概是我聽過最多次的問題。有兩種方式能確定海豚的性別。最直接的方式就 是觀察他們的尾柄下方(將尾鰭與身體連接在一起的那個長長的部份)。在海豚的腹 側,正對背鰭的地方,就是海豚的肚臍。沿著尾部方向往下看就是我們要看的部份。 :Male dolphins have two separate slits for the penis (the urogenital opening) :and the anus. These are separated by a bridge of skin. The male's urogenital :opening is generally located further up the belly, towards the navel. 公海豚會有兩道裂口,分別是供生殖器滑出的生殖泌尿孔以及肛門。他們中間有一 層皮隔開。生殖泌尿孔位在靠肚臍的那端。 :Females, on the other fin, have one continuous larger slit, the anus located :at the end of it. On either side of the genital slit, you will find two smaller :slits; these are the mammary slits, where the nipples of the dolphin are kept :for feeding the calves. The slit is also located closer to the tail stock of :the dolphin. 就另一方面來說(*),母海豚有著一狹長的外陰裂口,肛門位於裂口的尾端。在外 陰裂口的左右兩側你可以發現兩道較小的裂口,那是乳腺,就是海豚用來餵食子代 乳頭部位。乳腺位於靠尾側的部份。 (*)原來的片語是"On the other hand",但是海豚沒有手所以他打"On the other fin(鰭)"。 好冷。 :The other way to determine the sex of a dolphin, if you can't reach their belly, :is to look at their mellon, or head. The males tend to have a fatter, rounder :mellon, while the females are more sleek and streamlined. 當你無法觀測海豚腹側的另一種性別判別法就是看他們的口鼻部(你要說是頭也行)。 雄性的口鼻部較寬大、較圓,雌性的口鼻部較小而流線型。 :Q2) How do I know if a dolphin wants to have sex? :A2) There are various ways a dolphin has of showing that she or he is :interested in sex. :Males are probably the easiest to detect. They will swim around, sporting an :erection (anywhere between 10 to 14 inches long for a Bottle-nose), and will :have no bones about swimming up to you and placing their member within reach :of your hand. If you are in the water, they may rub it along any part of your :body, or wrap it around your wrist or ankle. (Dolphin males have a prehensile :penis. They can wrap it around objects, and carry them as such.) Their belly :will also be pinkish in colour, which also denotes sexual excitement. 問題2:我要怎麼知道哪隻海豚想嘿咻? 答:有很多方法能看出海豚是否有性慾。公海豚最好認,他們會游來游去,展示自己的 性器(就瓶鼻海豚來說,勃起時的陰莖長可達30~40公分左右),並且毫不遲疑的將性器湊 到離你咫尺的距離內。如果你身處水中,他們可能會以性器摩擦你身上的每個部位,甚 至纏上你的手腕與腳踝(海豚的陰莖是有抓握力的,他們甚至能用它捲起物品帶著走)。 他們的腹部也會因興奮而呈淡粉紅色。 Females can be a little harder. The most obvious way a female dolphin has of displaying her sexual interest is the pink-belly effect. Their genitals become very pink and swollen, making the genital region very prominent. They may be restless, or they may be acting as normal. If you are out of the water, they may swim up to you and roll belly up, exposing themselves to you, coupled with pelvic thrusts. If you are in the water, they may press their genitals up against yours, nibble your fingers, nuzzle your crotch, or do pelvic thrusts against you. 母海豚就比較微妙。母海豚表現性慾最明顯的方式便是粉紅色的腹部。它們的外陰會 充血紅腫,使得外陰部極為明顯。它們可能顯得躁動不安,但也有可能與平時無二致。 如果你不在水中,它們可能會游向你並展示腹部,同時伴隨著骨盆抽送動作。如果你 在水中,那它們可能會將他們的生殖器與你的互相摩擦、輕咬你的手指、磨蹭你的跨 下或是在你身上做抽插動作做個沒完。 Each dolphins way of expressing sexual readiness varies, so the longer you know the dolphin, the better you will detect when they are sexually active. 每隻海豚都有自己表達性慾的方法,所以你和單一隻海豚相處的越久,你越能瞭解它何時 會想要"來一發"。 Q3) What do I do if a dolphin wants to mate with me? A3) Accept, if possible! I will go through the steps involved with males and females... The Male: When a male dolphin is interested in you, about the only thing you can do, if you are male, is to masturbate him. (Unfortunately, I cannot speak for the female of the human species... it seems women just don't like dolphins enough... so I cannot say for sure if it is safe to mate with them. I would suspect not, due to a dolphins size, but then again, I cannot say for a woman.) WARNING! In the considerations of safety, you should NEVER let a male dolphin attempt anal sex with you. The Bottle-nose dolphin member is around 12 inches, very muscular, and the thrusting and the force of ejaculation (A male can come as far as 14 feet) would cause serious internal injuries, resulting in peritonitus and possible death. Unless you are the masochistic type, you will have a hard time explaining your predicament to the doctors in the emergency ward.... 問題3:呃,那當某隻海豚對我有性趣時我該怎麼做呢? 答:可能的話當然是接受對方的愛意囉!在這裡是一些指南...... 公海豚: 當一隻公海豚對你有性趣時,如果你是男的,那你唯一能做的大概只有幫他打手槍。 當心!!為了你的人身安全起見,你永遠不應該讓公海豚對你進行肛交。瓶鼻海豚 的性器平均長度可達35公分左右,充滿了肌肉,其抽送及射精的力道(海豚的射精 距離可達4公尺)可以造成嚴重的內傷,造成腹膜炎或是死亡!除非你是被虐狂,否 則你在向急診室的醫生說明自己的窘境時可有得受的了。 (很可惜的是我無法提供當你是女性時你能做些什麼......我身邊沒有愛海豚愛到 那種程度的女性,所以我無法確保女性與海豚性交是否安全。我個人是認為不安全, 考慮到體型大小的差距,不過這只是個人意見,我無法代表女性立場。) A male dolphin's member is roughly S-shaped, tapered at the end. If you are in the water with them, it is best to support the dolphin on his side, just under the water, with one hand, and handle him with the other. Male dolphins, I find, tend to prefer the base of the penis to be gently massaged and squeezed, as well as gently rubbed along it's length. It feels very much like the rest of the dolphin (ie. smooth and rubbery to the touch, but firmer). It doesn't take long for the male to ejaculate, around 40 seconds to a minute, and this is usually accompanied by either shuddering just prior to ejaculating, and thrusting and tail-arching during ejaculation. The force of ejaculation can be powerful at times, so it is best to keep your face out of the line of fire, or keep his member underwater. You can attempt to lick and suck on the end of it while masturbating as well, but be warned, do not try to give full throat, and get the hell out of the way before he ejaculates! A male dolphin could snap your neck in an accidental thrust, and that would be the end of that relationship. 公海豚的性器大約呈S型,尾端逐漸變細。如果你在水中,最好在水下以一隻手扶 著他,以另一隻手"幹活"。雄海豚喜歡被輕輕按摩及擠壓陰莖的根部,或一路朝 陰莖前端按摩過去。陰莖的觸感與海豚其他部位很像-如光滑的橡膠質感,但是 堅韌得多。在四十秒至一分鐘內海豚便會射精,通常在這之前會伴隨著激烈的顫 動,而在射精過程中則會有抽送及弓起尾部的行為。海豚射精的力道很強,因此 請確保你的臉在火線之外,或是將它的性器維持在水中。你可以試著含或舔陰莖 的前端,但是請不要幫海豚進行深喉嚨,同時記得在他射精時把頭撇開!公海豚 可能會在骨盆抽送的同時意外打斷你的脖子,這可是會為你倆的感情劃下休止符 的。 The Female: Well, the females are again a little trickier. There are two courses of action with a female fin: Masturbation, or mating. Masturbation: Female dolphins, once they show interest in you, can be supported in much the same way as the male, one hand under the fin, supporting her, the other doing the stimulating. The clitoris of the female is located at the top of the genital slit, and is a prominent lump when erect. You can rub this with your finger tips, or lick and suck it, but with the oral aspect, you might end up with a bruised nose as they thrust up into you. You can slide your hand gently into their genital opening, and feel around inside, rubbing gently. They feel warm and muscular inside, their labia like tough, squishy sponge when they are excited. Don't be surprised if they start to play with your hand inside them. They have very manipulative muscles, and can use them to carry and manipulate objects, including your hand. (They can do things that would make a regular human woman turn green with envy.) Their climax is coupled with stiffening, shuddering, sometimes a lot of thrusting, clinching of the vaginal muscles, and sometimes vocalisation. 母海豚: 同樣很微妙。你可以對母海豚做兩件事:愛撫或性交。 愛撫:當母海豚對你表露好感之後,你便可以與對待公海豚一樣的對它-一手 托住它的身體,一手進行愛撫。母海豚的陰蒂位於生殖縫頂端,在興奮時會明 顯的凸起。你可以以指尖或舌頭刺激它,但後者可能會在母海豚高潮並抽搐時 害你的鼻子瘀青。你也可以將手輕輕滑進去,感覺一下內部的構造,內部非常 的溫暖,同時很強健。母海豚的陰唇在他們興奮時摸起來像滑溜溜的硬海綿。 當你發現你的手有奇怪的感覺時別慌張,因為與公海豚一樣,母海豚的陰道肌 肉是可以自主運動的,甚至可以抓取物品。母海豚的高潮會伴隨著肌肉緊繃及 顫抖,偶爾加上抽送動作及陰道肌肉收縮,甚至是叫聲。 Mating: This is harder. Obviously, being human, it is awkward, but not impossible to mate in open water. It is easier to have the dolphin in a shallow area (like the shallows just off the beach) around 1 1/2 to 2 feet deep. This is usually comfortable enough for both the dolphin and you. Gently, you should roll the dolphin on her side, so she is lying belly-towards you. You can prop yourself up on an elbow, and lie belly to belly against her. You may want to use the other arm to gently hold her close, and place the tip of your member against her genital slit. She will, if interested, arch her body up against you, taking you inside her body. There is usually a fair bit of wriggling and shifting, usually to get comfortable, both outside and inside. Once comfortable, though, females initiate a series of muscular vaginal contractions that rub the entire length of your member. They may also thrust rhythmically against you, so enjoy the experience while you can, since you will rarely last longer that a minute or two. Just prior to her climaxing, she will up the speed of her contractions and thrusts. It is interesting to note that the times I have mated with females, thay have timed their orgasm to mine. Whether they do this consciously or not, I do not know, but it is a great feeling to have two bodies shuddering against each other at the one time. 性交:這部份就蠻難的。很顯然,對於身為人類的我們,在開放的水域進行交 配是蠻困難的,不過還不至於不可能。在淺灘區比較容易,水深45~60公分的地 方最理想,這個水深對人和海豚來說都算舒服。輕輕的將海豚翻至腹側朝上, 然後以手肘撐地慢慢趴在它身上。你可能會想用一隻手輕輕摟住它,或是將你 的性器靠近它的生殖孔。如果母海豚感興趣的話,它會弓起身並主動的把你的 性器官吸進去。可以想見的是你們可能會扭來扭去動來動去,直到找到舒服的 姿勢為止。一旦都就定位後,母海豚會開始一系列的陰道收縮運動,將你的陰 莖由上到下一處不漏的磨蹭一遍,同時它的身體也會有節奏的起伏和抽動,所 以把握機會享受每一秒鐘吧,因為在這種刺激下你很難撐過一兩分鐘。在它高 潮前,陰道收縮及身體擺動的速度會上升。有趣的是,當我和海豚性交時,它 們會配合我高潮的時間好和我"一起去"。他們是有意識的這麼做嗎?我不知道 ,不過和對方一起高潮的感覺真是無可比擬。 One thing to note. Whether you masturbate or mate a fin, male or female, always spend time with them afterwards. Cuddle them, rub them, talk to them and most importantly, and show them you love them. This is essential, as it helps to strengthen the bond between you. Like a way of saying that this wasn't just a one night fling. The dolphins appreciate it, and they will want your company more the next time you visit them. 有件事一定要注意,當你與海豚愛撫或做愛後,不論海豚公母,事後一定要花 點時間陪陪他們。抱抱他們,撫摸他們或是對他們說話,最重要的是要讓他們 知道你愛他們。這些行為可以增進你與海豚間的羈絆。不要當這是一夜情,海 豚會很感謝你,同時在你下次探望他們時他們會與你更親密。 Q4) What diseases can I get from dolphins? Can I give them any? A4) I have had no experiences with Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD's) with dolphins, so I couldn't rightfully say. I do know, however, that you can pass the Flu between you, along with other respiratory problems. (I got a cold when a dolphin sneezed on me once. It cleared up after a week or so.) You can also pass some skin irritations on to them, if you handle them with chaffed or broken skin. Just like with a human, it is best to BE CLEAN when you handle a dolphin. If you have cuts on your hands, avoid touching them unless you wash with a Betadine surgical scrub prior to handling. This is available from most Veterinary and Surgical suppliers. If you have some disease of some sort, avoid mating, for the dolphins sake. This is a little known area, more so because Zoophilia is considered illegal in many places (which I think is a load of crud, but the law's the law....) 問題4:海豚有可能傳染性病嗎?或著我有可能傳染給他們嗎? 答:我對於海豚的性病沒有研究也沒概念,所以我沒有能力回答。不過我倒是 知道他們會害你感冒。(有一次有隻海豚對著我打噴嚏,結果我病了一星期。) 你也可能帶給他們皮膚病,如果你們的身上有破皮的話。就跟待人一樣,在接 觸海豚時最好保持身體乾淨。如果你手上有傷口,不要去碰他們,除非你先醫 用優碘徹底消毒。如果你有某些疾病,看在海豚的分上,不要跟他們嘿咻。目 前對於人獸共通的性病所知的還很少,有很大一部份是由於獸交在許多地區都 被認為是非法行為。 Q5) Is their any way I can invite a dolphin to be masturbated? A5) Well, yes. If they are hanging around, but not looking particularly excited, but you are, you can invite them with this way... Male and Female dolphins can be invited by rolling them on their sides, again, but instead of going straight to the genital slit, rub along their bellies, between their pectoral fins, along the navel, and every once in a while, over the genital slit. If they are responsive, they will show the signs of excitement as described earlier, and you can proceed as usual. If, however, they are not responsive, they will swim away, or turn back upright. DO NOT force the issue with a dolphin! Trying to restrain them will only break their trust in you, and could cause you serious injury. Pat them, stroke them and talk to them lovingly, but do not try anything else. It is best, anyway, to let the dolphin tell you when they are ready. It is far more pleasant, and more fulfilling anyway. And more special. 問題5:我要怎麼讓海豚願意被我愛撫? 答:呃,如果海豚就在你附近,但是看起來並非性致高昂-不過你已經洨衝腦- 那你可以試試這一招...... 不論公母,與海豚並肩游泳都是很好的開頭。不要直接觸碰他們的生殖孔,而是 先慢慢撫摸他們的肚子及胸鰭,以及肚臍周圍,然後每隔一段時間稍稍撫過生殖 縫。如果他們被挑逗到了,他們便會露出如先前提到的興奮表現,接著你便可以 順水推舟。如果他們沒興趣,他們會自己游開或是以反方向直直游走。不要勉強 海豚性交!這只會讓他們失去對你的信任,同時可能造成某些重傷。輕拍他們, 撫摸他們,並溫柔的對他們說話,除此之外不要做其他多餘的事情。讓海豚主動 來找你,這樣更讓人感到歡喜及滿足,同時也是很獨特的經驗。 Q6) Where can I find a dolphin to mate with? A6) Aquariums are a bad choice, for many reasons. Too public, the dolphins are not in their natural habitat, night visits are impossible, etc etc... some may have external enclosures, which may be accesable, but that is no guarantee. Best thing sometimes is to find a beach or a cove that the dolphins frequent. It takes time to develop a relationship with a dolphin to the point where they will let you mate with them (although some have been as quick as 3 days to acclimatize). Gaining their trust takes time, and you need to visit frequently. This is impossible for some people, I understand, but it is the best way. Sometimes you just need to be in the right place at the right time. I have been extremely lucky on two occasions with wild dolphins, and my current mate is a dolphin who lives in the harbour of my resident city. 問題6:我要上哪找一隻可以跟我性交的海豚? 答:忘了水族館吧,可以吐槽的地方多到不行。暴露在那種公開場合,海豚早已 失去自己的野性,同時想在晚上潛入那種地方更是癡人說夢。最好的辦法是找到 海豚經常拜訪的沙灘或峽灣。與海豚培養感情並讓他們願意與你交配是挺費時的 (雖然我有過相處三天就達陣的經驗)。取得他們的信任是一回事,你還得常常探 望他們。這對某些人來說是辦不到的,我可以理解,不過這是最好的方法。有時 候天時地利人和也很重要,我曾有兩次很幸運的與野生海豚交配。目前我的伴侶 是一隻住在我家附近海港裡的海豚。 Well, I hope this is of use to whoever is interested. One final note. You should love a dolphin, not because of the sexual relief they can provide, but because they are a unique animal, one of the few wild animals that seek the company of man by their own initiative. This is special. Do not abuse it. 我希望這些資訊對感興趣的人有用。最後一點,你喜歡海豚的原因不應該只是為 了與他們做愛。他們是很特別的動物,少數會尋求人類陪伴的動物。請不要濫用 他們這點特別的天性。 About the Author I first realized I was a Delphinic Zoophile when I was 12 years old, which is when I had my first sexual encounter with a dolphin. This is not that particular occasion, since my first lover was brutally killed in an act of sensless violence that I will never forgive, or forget. She continues to live in my memories, though... 我在12歲時便知道我愛海豚的程度與他人不太一樣,當時我第一次與海豚發生性 接觸。但我的初戀在一次毫無意義的殺戮中被殘忍的殺害。我永遠也無法遺忘。 她仍活在我的記憶中就是了...... I volunteer with dolphins whenever I get the opportunity. They are special to me, highly intelligent, empathic creatures that are dear to my heart, and are a healing aspect in my life. So it was that I met this particular dolphin, a female bottle nose dolphin, 7 years old, who is residing at my home cities coastal harbour/aquarium. 當我一有機會我便去當水族館負責照顧海豚的志工。他們對我來說意義非凡,他 們是既聰明又善解人意的生物,同時再我的人生中扮演著治癒的角色。有一天我遇 到了這隻海豚,一隻母的瓶鼻海豚,七歲大(譯註:我找不到這相當於人類幾歲, 暗。),就在我家附近的海灣水族館。(譯註:這裡指的是設立在海港旁的水族館。) She is a beautiful dolphin, inquisitive and playful, and more used to human contact than her other, older pod mates. I answer any questions the general public have about dolphins, and spend most of my free time with them, studying and talking with them. I learned through continued contact that each dolphin has a very particular personality and habits, traits useful for differentiating between the fins who are sometimes hard to distinguish on visual markings alone. 她真是一隻美麗的海豚,既充滿好奇心又愛嬉戲,而且喜歡跟人類接觸多於跟她 的同伴們相處。在我當志工的時期我向大眾回答關於海豚的問題,並且花很多時 間陪伴海豚們,學習他們的一切並跟他們說話。在跟他們相處的時光裡我了解到 海豚就人一樣,各有各的性格、喜好和特徵,這讓我得以分辨在一般人眼中看起 來一模一樣的海豚。 In order to avoid the bustle tourists, I usually visit the dolphins at night, illegally I must add, since I am considered to be trespassing. But it is the only time I do not have to be distracted by tourists or the staff. I do not expect to have sex with the dolphins every time I visit them; I am not that sort of person. I spend time with them because they are a relaxing and stabilizing source of peace in an otherwise hectic and unbalanced lifestyle. So it came as a pleasant surprise when this 7-year-old dolphin began to engage in sex-play with me. 為了避開人群,我通常會在晚上造訪水族館的海豚們,我必須強調這當然是非法 的。但這是我唯一能避開工作人員與遊客單獨與海豚相處的機會。我並不會為了 性慾而探訪他們。我喜歡跟他們相處,因為他們可說是在當今忙碌及紛擾的社會 中,令人感到寧靜與放鬆的泉源。因此你可以想像當這隻海豚主動對我示好時我 有多麼訝異。 I was quite happily swimming around with the dolphins when she suddenly decided to grab my foot with her genital slit. Dolphins have very muscular vaginal orifices, and can use these muscles to manipulate objects and carry them. I stayed still for a while, to see if she was just playing, but she continued to masturbate against my foot, and in the light of the torch I sometimes carry, I could see that her slit had become very pink and had swelled as well. She was aroused! 當我與其他海豚游泳時,她突然用她的陰裂吸住我的腳-如前面所提,海豚的陰部 是相當強壯的。我停了下來,想確定她是不是在玩而已,但是她不斷的磨蹭我的腳 。在微暗的燈光下我看到她的陰部呈粉紅色且脹大。她興奮了! So, I started to back-paddle with my hands towards a small beached area, partially submerged in the water. A couple of times she pulled me forward into the deeper water, but eventually I got my self to the shallows. I dislodged my foot (Being careful not to pull too hard), and took her gently by a pectoral fin and rubbed her belly just to aclimatize her, I guess. She immediately rolled belly up and started doing pelvic thrusts against the palm of my hand. It was unmistakebly erotic, and by now I was fully aroused. 於是我慢慢游到一處較淺的海岸。有幾次他試圖將我拖進較深的水域,不過我還是 到了淺灘處。我輕輕收回我的腳,溫柔的從胸鰭處將她抱住,同時慢慢的撫摸她的 腹部,讓她放鬆。她可以說是立刻將腹部翻了過來,開始做著抽送的動作。這的確 是情慾的表現,此時我也硬了。 I stripped off my shorts, and gently pulled her into the shallows until she was lying on her side, her belly facing towards me, half submerged in the water. I nestled myself belly to belly against her, and pressed my member against her genital slit. She immediately arched her body against mine, and took me inside her body, initiating a quick series of muscular contractions with her vaginal muscles. I wrapped my left arm around her body and just held her close while she manipulated me inside her body, until I climaxed barely 2 minutes later. Surprisingly, her body also shuddered against mine, and we spent the next 5 or so minutes just lying together in the shallows, holding each other, enjoying our company and revelling in the fact that we had shared something special together, something very few people can claim to have done. 我褪去褲子,緩緩將她拉近,讓她的腹部完全呈現在面前。我彎下身,將自己的身 軀貼緊她,並進入了她,一連串的陰道肌肉收縮立刻襲來。我左手將她拉近,在她 吞吐我的下半身時將她緊抱著不放。兩分鐘後我便繳械了,意外的是她也在同一時 間達到高潮,在我懷裡顫抖著。接下來的五分鐘我們就在淺灘處躺著,抱著對方, 分享著某種特殊的感覺。某種鮮為人知的情誼。 I do not brag about this though. It is not something you can brag about, since it not only is demeaning to the act, but it destroys the purpose of the act as well; to express affection, and trust. I only consent to those dolphins who ask. As a result, I have mated only three times. Each time was memorable and special, because each time it was something we both wanted to share with each other. Sex, for me, is just another, albeit powerful, expression of affection and trust. I wouldn't engage any other animal, though; it is not my attraction. But there is little I wouldn't do for a dolphin. 我並不是在炫耀。這不是什麼值得炫耀的事,那會毀了這美好行為背後所意含的最 終的意義;信任。我只會與那些主動的海豚共度春宵。性,對我來說,只是一種表 達信任的最終方式。這並不是說我對其他動物會做相同的事;但是沒有什麼我是不 能為海豚而做的。 I am aware there are people who would look at this and turn away in disgust. I can not force my beliefs or my feelings upon them, neither do I wish to. The only thing I ask of those people is that they try to understand that love, and trust, and respect are not limited to within a single species. Human kind has created religions and laws and barbed-wire fences that have been created, written and erected out of the former belief that we are the best, the smartest, the most powerful creature on the planet. Now we are realising that we have been extremely short sighted; many of us are realising this, but there are others who are bound by their former beliefs. One word is the key to improving our civilization. One word which could improve many lives. 我知道有許多人會對我的行為感到不快或噁心。我並不能強迫別人支持及同意我的 價值觀,我也不想要。我僅要求他們理解,愛與信任並不局限於單一物種。人類創 造了宗教、法律與倒刺鐵絲網,排除異己並將自己塑造成最高尚、聰明及強大的物 種。現在我們知道這是錯的;許多人都開始意識到這點,但依舊受困於迂腐的窠臼 中。要打破這一切的關鍵就是:同理心。 我的一生都奉獻給瞭解海豚這種神奇的生物。他們的行為,如何溝通,以及為何有 完全野生的動物願意接納人類這種危險動物。我也許終其一生也無法回答這些問題 ,但這是某支特別的海豚賦與我的道路,她在短短一週內就教導了我何謂愛與信任 ,許多人花費一輩子也無法說明。我希望有更多人能夠接觸這塊知識之泉,有關海 豚的智慧,以及人與海豚間密不可分的羈絆。 Understanding. My life is now dedicated to understanding dolphin kind. The way they act, the way they communicate, the reasons why a completely wild animal would take any interest what so ever in humans, a very dangerous wild animal. These may be answers that I may not answer in my lifetime, but this is a path that has been layed by a special dolphin who taught me more about love and trust in one week than any human taught me in my entire life. A path that I hope others will choose to also tread with me, towards a pool of knowlegde where dolphins and humans can interact with one another, and learn a great many secrets. With a dolphin in my dreams, I go forth to love those who have loved me. Dragon-wolfe Dolphinn. August 15th, 1996. |
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