Regarding opening a bank account, his best option would likely be NAB. Their Everyday Bank Account is a transaction account with zero monthly fees/zero required monthly deposit. They also have some reasonable-interest savings accounts as listed here: https://www.nab.com.au/personal/accounts/savings-accounts

The trickiest part is going to be getting the card. Most Aus banks are now paper-free for statements and stuff, but in regards to the actual debit card, they're ALWAYS mailed out. He might need to see if a friend can have it mailed to them on his behalf instead - while I was typing this you mentioned PO boxes, which I've addressed below!

The best advice for shelters and the like will probably come from people who work in this realm. If he can find a place or time when he's safe to call, 1800 737 732 is the number for the National Sexual Assault and Domestic Family Violence Counseling Centre. They also offer on their site a useful checklist for escape bags: https://www.1800respect.org.au/help-and-support/escape-bag-checklist/create

Depending on his exact location, he may be able to utilize ARC Justice: https://arcjustice.org.au/ They help with free legal consulting and tenancy help!

Also regarding PO Boxes; they cost about $140 for a small yearly, with some initial setup costs. Listed here: https://auspost.com.au/receiving/manage-your-mail/po-boxes-and-private-bags The PO Boxes are generally at the post office, so he would just have to go there to pick up his mail.