1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 | A series of extremely dumb character questions: 1. Cake or pie? 2. What do they do when confronted with Chicago-style pizza? 3. Speaking of pizza, do they fold their New York slice or eat it with a fork? 4. What is their reaction to being rickrolled? 5. Lurker, troll, reply guy, shitposter, or that overly earnest person you're always vaguely embarrassed about but can't explain why? 6. Do they like puns? And if so, do they inflict them on others? 7. What is they dumbest thing they'll admit to liking? 8. What's their problematic fave? 9. What's their fave that they won't admit is problematic? 10. Would they be on Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, or Insta? 11. Are they the person who frantically texts their friends when something in their house breaks, or the one who is texted? 12. Is "well, actually" a phrase they might realistically type or utter? 13. If they were created as a D&D character, what would their race/class/alignment/background be? 14. If they were playing D&D, what character would they make? 15. PC, PS5, Xbox Series X, or Switch? 16. Do they talk to their house plants? 17. What would they name their pet, and then what would they actually call their pet? 18. Where do they fall on the "is a hotdog a sandwich" debate? 19. What's the title of the song they would sing in the musical that is their life? 20. How do they arrange their bookshelf? 21. Name three AO3 tags they definitely regularly search. 22. What is their ugly holiday sweater like, and do they wear it ironically or unironically? 23. Have them complete this sentence: Pineapple belongs on ______. 24. What would their one fad collection (e.g. beanie babies, funko pops, pogs) be and would they grimly hang onto it until they die just in case it's worth something again, or sheepishly bin it after an unsuccessful yardsale? 25. What would be the internet conspiracy theory that takes them in, and would they admit it? 26. How do they pronounce GIF? 27. Are they reading AITA, or are they appearing in it? (And if the latter, what for?) 28. Which Sailor Scout would they be? 29. Which Blaseball team do they support? 30. Given that all beings are at best subjective actors within their own lives as all experiences are processed through fallible senses and minds shaped by experience, is it possible to experience anything objectively? |
Direct link: https://paste.plurk.com/show/sBvBGyJVQQ1RquiTiz8L