1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 | 1.寄信給bilibili comics app的客服信箱:[email protected] 標題除了寫推特洗版以外,也可以換成課金問題或寫成英文,增加人工處理的時間以免客服看到標題直接刪掉。 該app的FB:https://www.facebook.com/BilibiliComicsOfficial 私訊沒回,但處於有在更新的狀態,回覆在貼文下多少能讓更多人知道這件事。 2.google play管理中心檢舉步驟: (1)進入:https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/contact/takedown?hl=en (2)Application package name的地方填入com.bilibili.comic.intl (3)Reason for flagging選擇Spam (4)Please explain briefly why you flagged the app的地方填入以下內容,英文好願意自己寫也沒問題: This app uses social engineering tactics to initiative large-scale spam attacks by rewarding people to post spams. The share function in the app shows a preview of spam texts without any hashtag, but when it posts on behalf of the users on platforms such as Twitter, it automatically adds UNRELATED hashtags to initiate a spam attack. Those hashtags will then be flooded by spams posted by real accounts and could easily bypass any bot-detecting AI. This can potentially become a massive cyberattack. It's turning unknowing people into accomplices of cyber crime. This type of spam attack constitutes "deceptive behavior" and "device and network abuse" stated in the GooglePlay developer policy. As a result, this app should be removed from GooglePlay store immediately. (5)選擇Yes送出 以上流程參考於https://twitter.com/amu_utau_/status/1534058938240729090?t=-IxdndpL3lZSMCxM1lfzBA&s=19 3.從play商店搜尋bilibili comics(逼哩逼哩漫畫國際版),下載後不用註冊直接跳開就可以評價,給予一星並且留言。 星等有可能延遲或被鎖但留言會顯示,請務必留言。 在其他關於洗版的留言下方“這則評論對您有幫助嗎?”的回覆選是。 若是不想下載也可以從頁面右上方選擇檢舉不當內容,對裝置或資料造成損害、抄襲或冒用他人身分都適用。 4.有人回應需要英文翻譯發推,簡單整理一下,能力不足只能盡量簡略,應該有錯歡迎大家修正或補充,回覆在 串裡噗主會盡快更新,感謝大家。 How to respond bliblicomics app for spam: 1. Send email to the customer service:[email protected] Reply to the post on FB: https://www.facebook.com/BilibiliComicsOfficial 2. Report to google play console help https://twitter.com/amu_utau_/status/1534058938240729090?t=-IxdndpL3lZSMCxM1lfzBA&s=19 3. Report to google play store, or sent one star negative and comment to the app https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.bilibili.comic.intl 4. Use #bilibilistopspam to spread the spam situation |
Direct link: https://paste.plurk.com/show/u4Nh4HnvnTClOgeidAYp