1/18 I will not allow.. the insult.. and disrespects.. you have done to my body.. to now bribe me with the correction of.. and the other evils and horrors of your Jewish/Black/Feminist horror/revenge and power grab plot.. there are to be no more attempts to propose in correcting

2/ my body on my behalf (leave it to The Mother Of God & Jehovah, or nobody).. and no more proposed in rescue attempts, often used as excuse to attack Jehovah/Heaven, or drain myself more of my life force with your bullshit sacrifices that you have no intention to use for their

3/ proposed in purpose - you're just draining me and using it as an excuse to attack (no more sacrifices for anything I have already told you, I will ascend naturally if necessary, in preserve of others, very likely innocent and just victims of this horror Jewish plot) - of

4/ people very likely just part of this plot, playing otherwise (lots of big dick's you've sucked by choice, not just on the so-called job of things over at drew).. Donald Trump has attacked Jehovah, again, over the Alien Gateway they have open it seems.. this is unacceptable..

5/ and why.. the irresponsible in people whom have enabled you.. must answer.. my knowledge as the Cosmos.. is for my purposes.. not for everybody else.. but you have yet learned another lesson in the scheme of believing yourselves greater and more able than you actually are..

6/ the likes of Trump/Usher and otherwise.. are all chemically dependent on Justin Bieber's asshole (like junkies on drugs - the literal of comparative of).. there isn't single one of them with a loving intent.. just sharks, feeding on a niave asshole, that wanted to take over

7/ the world and win everybody else.. and got caught up in a feeding frenzy in the process.. people have manipulated and used the infinite in flawed character traits, the main of which, in liking to be the center of attention.. and always liking to win.. add in a drop of

8/ jealous.. and you are doomed to being slave unto others.. before you even begin.. for when the likes of Trump and the others like Macron.. cum along.. they'll play you and your senses of insecurity.. all day long onto the ends of their cocks.. real leaders.. diffuse War's..

9/ they don't cause them.. or make existing conflicts worse.. I am taking very good note.. of every defiance of any/all of you.. if any of my suggested resolutions in trying to diffuse your stupidity.. make.. Macron and the Jewish are often the worse for it.. I will tell you

10/ again.. the plot is over.. you chose to get your dicks sucked.. before anything else.... you are not bribing me with the horrors and insult you have done to myself and my body.. you are absolute scum the lot of you in what you have done.. you have sought revenge for something

11/ you brought unto yourselves.. seems like you people never learn.. you don't only make the mistake once.. but over and over again.. I am the leader of this Cosmos.. as the Cosmos/perfect being.. for a very good reason.. the sooner you rookies.. want to make names for

12/ yourselves.. back off and respect that.. the sooner I can correct the stupidity in all you have done.. one thing is for sure.. if you can't control yourselves over the proposed in somebody else's asshole.. what sort of God are going to make.. aside from the fact.. you are

13/ atomically incapable.. your genetic circumvention tricks.. are not going to work.. and will never work.. putting a pretty meat suit over the atomic in an incapable soul, as a circumvent, doesn't equal perfection in being, or perfectly created, by perfection (divine beings)..

14/ very simple rules in life.. when left to nature by truth.. if it's meant for you.. it should find its way (back) to you.. and shall always want to stay with you.. freewill is the most powerful enabler of all.. more so than its counter-part in many ways, as necessity.. one is

15/ born of desperation (not always truth).. and the other is of the beauty in that of truth.. I can't and will not help you as intentionally blinded, insulted, and disrespected I'm sorry.. it would be nothing but shear negligence in doing so.. it is my duty to protect all of

16/ you.. including Jehovah and the Mother Of God.. from such attacks.. by people whom are doing no other than favoring a demonic man and women whom have done nothing but insult and attack me from birth.. without further a do.. please respect my wishes.. no more sacrifices..

17/ return people we've fucked for you.. and no more proposed we'll put your cock right for you tricks...... if you can't manage that plane.. bus.. train or otherwise.. without attacking Heaven.. then it's tough shit.. because I will not allow these Jewish/Blacks and so-called

18/18 Feminists with cock-envy to continue in their attacks.. otherwise.. your UNSC can deal with Trump and others.......... can I get a Mini/Mother check please.. a Mini/Mother resurrect.. healings.. protections.. blessings.. cakes, custards, creams.. thank you.. Cosmos (Christ)