1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 | ☼ What happens if a higher-ranked character wants sex with mine and mine retaliates? This is entirely up to the players. If the player of the lower-ranked character doesn't want sex forced on their character and thus she or he retaliates, they can choose to have the Sultana let it slide because that retaliation amused her. Or they can choose to have the character punished for this retaliation, which can be anything from the higher-ranked character being allowed to do what they want regardless to a beating to being forcibly given aphrodisiacs to being given a silly curse or a slap on the wrist. It can be as dark or light as the <em>player</em> is comfortable with. ☼ I want to play out sex with my character but ICly they wouldn't. You're saying there's no mark or device that forces them to have sex? There are no marks, collars, chips, or other such devices to force characters into sex within any amount of time. If you want your character to have sex and they aren't inclined, there are potions, aphrodisiacs, magical items, and so on all around the palace that you can use to your advantage. ☼ So the Artisan rank can't have sex? What if I want my character to have sex but want them to do creative things too? Characters of any rank can apply their skills in the various workshops and halls! For those of the Artisan rank, this is merely what they were <em>summoned</em> to do by the Sultana herself, and for reasons known only to her she thought them unsuited to her other needs. If you want your Novice, Courtesan, Esteemed, and so on to cook, create, invent, and so on, you can do so! ☼ What happens if my character escapes into the city, outside the city, to the moon, etc? At first? Nothing. The Sultana believes they will return to her-- and if they want food, a roof over their head, and earthly comforts, they will. For they will find nothing satisfying outside of Her Majesty's Harem. And when they come back, they may well be punished for their crime. |
Direct link: https://paste.plurk.com/show/wMGqLErR87NZPV3TJl8Y