1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 | 翻譯 20 Minutes 釣魚電影的細節,兩個人正經討論怎麼釣魚,沒有超能力的EC釣魚那不就是fassavoy釣魚嗎?《到葉門釣鮭魚》被cue! 過去八年的個人高光時刻? 詹:Working with him was probably the first and enduring highlight. 記者:你覺得Charles是ego-driven和愛操控人嗎? 詹:me?In real life? 記者:No, him 詹:I was like it’s me definitely. 我確實覺得他ego-driven,愛操控人,呃,我覺得可能,但不是有意識的,我認為他意圖是好的。他多年來把他的family當作他政治生涯中拓展的一部分。對琴是非常操控的,但他認為是為了她好。 麥扣:He treats objects like women 詹:He treats objects like women. Like what objects particularly? A telephone?Hey baby 記者:This could be your last appearance in X men…… 麥扣:in anything 詹:in anything yeah 記者:你們會在迪士尼電影裡繼續扮演這兩個角色麼? 麥扣:那個會拍的,對吧?我們談過的釣魚電影 詹:那個釣魚電影 詹&麥扣:Charles and Erik go fishing 麥扣:沒有超能力,就他們兩個去各個國家捕捉最奇怪的魚(There will be no super powers. Just be them on a journey to countries trying to catch the most bizarre fish.) 詹:(大笑)我很支持這個主意,真的很支持(I’m up for this. I’m actually up for this.),太棒了。 記者:Tell me more 麥扣:他們可以去釣鯰魚(catfish),試著在路易士安納州釣到最大的鯰魚。 詹:是需要tickling嗎 麥扣:我不覺得可以tickle鯰魚,但你可以tickle鱒魚(trout) (*他們說的tickle,是指一種釣魚技巧Trout tickling ,即揉鱒魚的肚子,如果做得對,鱒魚會眩暈一分鐘,所以就很容易把它們扔到最近的乾燥沙地上) 詹:那怎麼抓鯰魚呢,是要伸手抓嗎? 麥扣:鯰魚都呆在水的最底部(bottom feeder),我覺得你可以用魚鉤 詹:可以是它們咬住你的胳膊然後你順勢就拽起來了 麥扣:真的嗎? 詹:有些地方的魚是可以這樣釣,我們也要這麼做!(We’ll do that too!) 麥扣:還可以在阿拉斯加釣鮭魚哦(Salmon Fishing in Alaska) 詹:還有葉門 (*葉門是沒有魚的!詹應該在說的是伊萬主演的《到葉門釣鮭魚》(Salmon Fishing in the Yemen,英文跟麥扣之前說的語句相似)這部電影!這可是一部絕美愛情片) 麥扣:看,已經有三個例子了 記者:你們能分享過去八年的個人高光時刻嗎(Could you share a personal highlight of the last 8 years?) (*因為記者英語非母語,表述得不太好,他應該是想問在拍攝X男期間的highlight吧,結果問成了過去8年的個人highlight?也可能是他就想問這個私人問題。但從詹的答案可以看出,他的答案應該就是針對私人問題的一個回答) 詹:和他在第一戰一起工作非常不同尋常。(Working with him in First Class was pretty exceptional. )在那之後的三部電影我們不太有機會那麼做。但和他一起工作可能是最初也是一直持續至今的高光時刻。和他一起撞毀高爾夫球車,也非常有趣(But working with him was probably the first and enduring highlight. Crashing a golf buggy with him, was also a great lot of fun. )。 麥扣:絕對是第一戰。我們有點,只是,我對於進入這個角色感到非常緊張,我感覺你從一開始就非常支持我。我必須為角色而試鏡,James就在我對面和我試鏡,我真的很感激這個。我們總是……從一開始,我們就支持彼此。所有的事情都是從那裡開始的。(Definitely First Class yeah. We kind of…It was just…I felt pretty nervous stepping into the character and I felt you were very supportive right from the get-go. I had to come and audition for the part, James was there, audition opposite me. I really sort of appreciate that. We always…from the beginning we had each other’s back. Everything was sort of forged from there. (forge: create (a relationship or new conditions)) |
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