"O-o... Oi... kinna." Alice responded, frowning at her own words and taking a moment to rephrase that. "Oi kinna ahswher th' throice blas'ed 'hinga'm'bob..." she guestured vaguely to teh direction of her phone, which had been thrown against the wall in a fit of anger, but still remained miraculously undamaged, the 'missed call' message flashing tauntingly. Bloody pain, that thing was. Went off at all hours of the night, never in the day, and refused to be easy to answer, no matter how Alice tried to figure out the essentially very basic task. Her land-line had not survived nearly so well, and lay in pieces next to the cellphone, which was still securely in the rubber casing which had saved it's short, automated, voice-activated life. Alice shot it a particularly dirty look before allowing herself to slump into Marianne's arms, for once not pushing her away, but rather depositing herself into the older nation's care. After all, they were together now, weren't they? That meant it was okay to do things like this again.

"Oi dinnae wan'na 'alt 'bout i'. 's a mess n' oi dinnae wan'na fink, le' alone 'ALK abou' anyfing! Oi jus' wan'na drink an' die a li'l bit 'en act as oif none 'o 'is 'ere shuff 'appened a'oll ever. Also Oi fel' a bi' sick, Oi fink..." Yeah. THAT was totally understandable. Good luck getting a decipherable answer out of her, Marianne, she's pretty far gone by this point.