1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 | 本篇簡列專門介紹「含有BL元素的遊戲」之Steam鑑賞家。 要注意的是,這些鑑賞家以情報類為主,大多用短短一兩句說明遊戲類型及BL元素,沒什麼主觀評價。比方說《Your Dry Delight》:A boys love visual novel set in 1920s Prohibition-era America. Take the role of a male detective with several male romance options。(來源:Gay Interest Gaming) 另外清單裡有非常多,像《Stardew Valley》這樣能讓玩家自由選擇性別和愛情;或具腐元素,如《The Witcher® 3: Wild Hunt》(This game includes a bisexual female character, and a male character who was in a relationship with another man,來源:LGBTQ+ Inclusive Gaming),但非以戀愛為遊戲核心的類型。 -- 以下鑑賞家名單(按字母順): 1. Gay Gotta Game https://store.steampowered.com/curator/25144145-Gay-Gotta-Game/ 註:LGBTQ皆有,清單分類細。如「Boys Like Boys」、「Bisexual male protagonist」、「platonic love?」。 2. Gay Interest Gaming https://store.steampowered.com/curator/28742289-Gay-Interest-Gaming/ 註:專攻含Gay、BL的遊戲。沒有清單分類。 3. LGBTQ+ Inclusive Gaming https://store.steampowered.com/curator/11934326-LGBTQ-Inclusive-Gaming/ 註:LGBTQ皆有。BL的相關清單有「Male-oriented sexuality」及「Choose your gender and romance」。 4. YaoiRecs https://store.steampowered.com/curator/11160476-YaoiRecs/ 註:內容均為BL,有四種清單分類。有些遊戲會附上鑑賞家自撰的Steam完整評論連結,值得參考。 -- 其實類似的鑑賞家不少,這四位是個人主觀篩選後追蹤的。 若想開發更多,可以選個順眼的遊戲(例如《Beyond Eden》),看看其他鑑賞家怎麼說。 另外遺憾的是,目前Steam鑑賞家中似乎沒有專門介紹BL遊戲的中文使用者…… |
Direct link: https://paste.plurk.com/show/ylgXUFOpJ0UKzXMJUKpx